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The Old Red Barn Club

Young children are fascinated by the world around them. Yet, many never have the opportunity to see or appreciate the beauty, magnificence and wonder that surrounds us all.

The Old Red Barn Club is a unique blending of education, music and entertainment that combines the key elements of early childhood education with the opportunity to see and learn about real world places, things, animals and people. The program addresses the critical learning elements teachers overwhelmingly feel are most important during early childhood, and what developmental skills children require to be better prepared for entering school.

First, teachers commented that many children today are unprepared for entering Kindergarten and haven’t fully mastered the tools and skills necessary for their age group. Second, they remarked how few life experiences children have realized as they become young adults and how few children get to see and experience other aspects of the world other than their own home sphere.

We created The Old Red Barn Club as a fun and entertaining way to achieve two important objectives we feel are critical for the development of 1 to 5 yr. olds as both successful students and well-rounded young adults. It is through these objectives that concepts important for Kindergarten preparation are introduced with the goal of being carried forward in formal and informal educational environments.

To learn more, please visit the
Old Red Barn Club website.